Better Body Land

Nutrition, Health and Wellness Tips for Women Over 40

How to Lose Weight in a Month

It is the new year and you have a goal of losing belly fat in a month. It is possible to weight a month if you are committed and disciplined in doing what needs to be done in order to lose weight. Stay away from the diet pills and quick-fix products that claim to offer fast weight loss without much effort because this is a lie. You will get permanent results if you exercise regularly and change your eating habits. If you’re able to, you can work with a nutritionist and a personal trainer to achieve your goal.

Cardio Workouts and Weight Training

You need to do these exercises for thirty minutes to an hour daily if you want to have a fitter body in a month. You can spend thirty minutes on cardio and then do thirty to forty-five minutes of weight training in one day. For cardio exercises you can do aerobics, dance, go swimming, jump on the trampoline, go for a long brisk walk in the neighborhood, run in the park or on a public track or walk on your treadmill. For weight training you can lift weights, do squats, do abdominal crunches, do chin-ups and pushups, and other kinds of weight training.

Eat Healthy Foods in Small Portions

Increase your intake of healthy foods such as lean proteins, nuts, yogurt, fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Just because you are eating healthy doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat these foods in moderation. When you are eating you want to eat in small portions and fitness experts recommend that you eat five small meals each day rather than three big meals.

Increase Frequency of Exercises

Ideally you want to get in exercise every day if you want to eliminate belly fat in a month but if you are unable to do this, at least do the exercises an adequate number of times a week to reach your goal. If you currently exercise twice a week, increase this to four times a week. You can also exercise from Monday to Thursday and take a break from exercising on the weekends so that your body can regroup.

No More Soft Drinks and Other High Calorie Beverages

If you are trying to lose weight in the stomach area, it is wise to cut out soft drinks because on average a can of soda has 140 calories and if you drink three sodas a day, you accumulate calories. Other high calorie beverages to avoid include frozen coffee drinks, milkshakes, and sugary fruit juices in a can.


Losing weight in a month does not have to be hard if you are persistent and if you practice the above mentioned steps on a consistent basis, you will see success and you will feel more confident in your appearance. If you need motivation to exercise and eat right, call a friend and ask him or her to exercise with you or offer advice on how you can make better recipes.